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My Journey ...

I am currently a first year MS student at IIIT-B in data science. I have completed my bachelor's from PES University in ECE with a CGPA of 8.5.


Firstly, I have served as a Project Intern at IIIT-B, where I have gained valuable hands-on experience in a research-oriented environment. This opportunity allowed me to contribute to projects and collaborate with experts in the field, enhancing my knowledge and skills in the realm of computer vision and its applications.


Secondly, I held the position of a Junior Mentor at MedInn TechLab, a prestigious institution within PES University. As a Junior Mentor, I have the privilege of guiding and supporting fellow students in their pursuit of innovative projects and technological advancements. This role not only provides me with an avenue to share my expertise but also reinforces my leadership and communication skills.


Prior to my current position as a Junior Mentor, I had the privilege of working as a Senior Intern at MedInn TechLab. During this role, I had the opportunity to contribute to significant projects and gain a deeper understanding of the practical applications of computer vision in the healthcare industry.


This experience solidified my passion for research, particularly in the domains of computer vision-based applications in healthcare, generative technologies, and security.


In addition to my professional experiences, I have actively engaged in various project groups at PES University, where I have led teams towards successful project outcomes. By adopting a systematic and step-by-step approach to problem-solving, I have been able to effectively tackle challenges and ensure the smooth progression of projects.

Collaborations and Updates

Open Collaborations

Looking for collaborations in the following topics:

  • Neural Radiance Fields

  • Autonomous robot systems

  • Panoptic Vision Transformers

  • Diffusion Modelling for videos

  • 3D reconstruction and motion estimates

  • May 2024: Have been added as TPC in IEEE CONECCT 2024. Paper titled "Intelligent Navigational Tactics for differential drive robots: Expanding Boundaries " has accepted in IEEE CONECCT 2024

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